Grow Taller After 20 Exercise routine to Follow
Exercises greatly contribute to body growth whether you are still in puberty stage or past it.
If you’ve passed the puberty stage however, and you still wish to add an inch or two to your current height with the aid of workouts, not every exercise you come across will help you to achieve your objective.
This is where you have to be selective and focused not to waste time.
you will have to do some research to find what works for most people then practically give it a try.
However, it’s not likely that one or two exercises will be enough to give you the desired results especially if you intend to increase height in both your legs and torso.
You will most likely have to incorporate at least 5 or so different exercises.
Each requiring different energy out put, time and repetitions.
Some need to be done every day to effectively get results, yet others have to be done every once in a while.
Some are better done in the morning yet others in the evening.
Hence, it’s definitely not possible to do all of them at the same time.
This is where a structured daily workout routine or program to increase height becomes a necessity.
Once you come across exercises that really work, formulating a grow taller exercise routine or workout plan is simply a must.
Otherwise, being short Sucks!!
Been there, and I vividly recall what I went through every day of my life.
That’s why I kept seeking height increase until somehow I created myself this magic grow taller exercise routine that helped me to increase my height.
As a matter of fact, whether you’re a short boy or girl, taller people will attract you simply because you see something that you don’t have.
It all happens at the subconscious level of the mind.
I guess that’s why you come across many very short girl tall guy couples or even very short guys dating much taller girls.
Yet average height individuals don’t seem to be concerned much about the height of their partner.
You will avoid public places whether you are rich or not, and always feel insecure.
In fact I considered joining the army at some point hoping that it would enhance my own security.
You lack self confidence among tall people.
There’s always that inner voice that you are lacking somewhere or you don’t fit in, leading to inferiority complex.
Not to mention how unsettling it is to see your younger siblings shoot up above you and teenagers not taking you seriously because they are taller than you.
You’re hardly respected. And taller folks using you as armrest … um.. Disgusting !!
All of which is psychologically disturbing and almost impossible to live with.
No wonder, study after study vindicates that the Taller – The happier [1].
Taller people are happier not because they choose to but because of what they experience. Admiration, love, respect, recognition, attention, name it.
All elicit the feel good mood and are all associated with reasonably tall individuals.
The takeaway from all this is, it’s only you who can take control of your earthly destiny.
To determine how best you wish to live life and demand for it.
How you get it doesn’t matter, the universe never runs out of answers.
As long as you are determined to achieve a particular goal, entirely focused on it not your toxic relationships and day by day you think and work towards it, the universe will be left with no option but to present you with actionable plans, appropriate resources, ideas, infinite intelligence, people etc. Until you achieve your objective.
But you have to be resilient and steadfast.
This is where a burning desire to achieve your objective is a must have.
Just bear in mind that,
There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge and Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
Sorry for digressing …back to the subject.
After 20 years, the body is almost done with vertical growth so, it requires dedication to increase your height.
One of the best and efficient ways to be dedicated is to create a simple yet efficient grow taller exercise program or routine that is easy to follow regularly just like your daily early morning wake up, shower, have break fast routine.
Why following an Exercise routine should ideally be a must
1. You will form new habits
Once you start exercising regularly and consistently at particular times or on specific days of the week, you will form new habits then over time,
working out will seem effortless.
It will become part of your life simply because your brain will be reprogrammed.
In fact, you will feel discomfort or minor aches in both your back and legs if you take a couple of days without working out .
As if your body is yearning for more.
Whenever you don’t workout, you will feel like something is missing.
2. Your workouts will be structured
Once you get some results, you will know what you need to do when and how to continue getting results.
Without a structured exercise schedule or routine, you just do any exercise that you will expect to give you results, any time so if by chance you get some results, it’s not easy to establish what exactly worked or even how.
Hence, you may just continue exercising randomly and in the process, you end up eliminating the fundamental components of your program.
You may continue working out for months without noticing any progress and frustratingly not knowing why.
The result ? Quitting.
3. Easier to stick to the exercise routine for long
With an exercise routine in place, you will stick to your exercise routine for long without even realizing especially if you get some results.
Why? Because you will be motivated and expecting more to come with whatever gives you results.
It’s like doing the job you enjoy and love. You don’t feel any burden of doing it or even feel like you are working.
Without a workout routine, your in put will be inconsistent and so will be the results.
You will feel the burden of exercising and feel like you are wasting time.
Before you even realize, a month will be gone without working out and that will be the end of the story.
4. Consistency easy to achieve.
When you focus on a few effective exercises that are giving you results, being consistent will be a piece of cake.
You will be consistent which is very key to your success when it comes to increasing your height after puberty.
When you incorporate lots of exercises in your routine, you will be easily demoralized especially when the results aren’t commensurate with your efforts or work input.
This will result in skipping the workouts very often and before you know it, you will have prematurely given up.
5. Consistent results
Finally, you will be getting the results consistently. If doing the same set of grow taller exercises for a long time is for some reason contributing to your growth, that means you will expect consistence in growth every couple of months.
Time came when every 2 -4 months I expected to grow slightly in legs as long as I was consistent with whatever I was doing and that’s exactly what happened.
Below I briefly share insights into what an effective grow taller exercise routine entails
I will recap the exercise routine below because due to lack of space the routine can not be extensively covered here but the recap will give a rough idea.
1. If you Are Targeting Backbone Lengthening as a starter
» »» The height increase you gain after puberty with the aid of stretching exercises alone is never permanent until either the back bones grow or spinal discs thicken to support it.
That’s why, depending on your daily activity schedule, you need to get a perfect time when you stretch to grow taller and slot in other exercises that you may need to grow taller after puberty on a daily basis until you reach a point when you feel that height gained is somewhat stable.
»»» You will also need to ensure that enough growth hormone is circulating in your system during the exercise routine.
How to achieve this is covered on the how to increase human growth hormones page.
»»» Remember to include the core exercises (preferably immediately after stretching ) in your work out to strengthen the abdominal muscles so that your back bone can overcome gravitational pressure which will bring you closer to permanent height in torso.
Weak abdominal muscles offer little or no support to your spine especially during times when you carry heavy objects over your back or shoulders.
Weak abdominal muscles will also compress easily after stretching thus losing a few millimeters and undoing all your stretching efforts.
Abdominal muscles play the vital role of keeping the spine in position and help to withstand any forces that may lead to spinal compression like gravity thus keeping the spine in an erect position and making you appear taller.
»»» If you avoid all the mistakes, after 1 to 3 months you should be noticing a slight difference in your torso height.
2. If you Are Targeting Shin Bone Lengthening as a starter
»»» With shin bone lengthening, you need to know that naturally, bone won’t easily grow longer without enough concentration of growth hormones in the body.
Sprints will be enough to trigger G.H release in the beginning but chaos training has to be introduced later.
»»» If you are targeting growth in the shin bones, all your efforts should be centered on doing whatever it takes to stimulate the pituitary gland to release enough growth hormones for your body to grow because with out enough growth hormones, your chances of growing after puberty are slim.
I relied on H.I.I.T or chaos training to achieve this because its one of the most efficient ways to boost G.H release especially after puberty. I explained why in the book.
You will also have to be patient if your intention is to lengthen the legs.
Many folks desperately expect quick results when they target growth in this part of the body and when they don’t get the results as soon as expected, they give up prematurely thinking it won’t happen.
3. You can perform the stretching exercises for torso and leg lengthening exercises at the same time.
If your wish is to grow both in legs and torso, you can lengthen the torso with stretching exercises, lengthen the legs with leg lengthening exercises and do chaos training exercises at the same time.
Some exercises can be done in the morning, while others in the evening.
4. Begin with sprints before introducing chaos training exercises.
Most importantly, don’t expect your body to initiate another growth spurt long after puberty without conditioning or readying it and this is where many get it wrong.
Whether you intend to grow in legs only, or only the torso, begin with sprints as a trigger for G.H release before introducing chaos training exercises.
5. Focus on at least one or two techniques to increase leg/ shin bone length.
The different ways to increase leg length are discussed on the Leg Lengthening Exercises page and all of them do work but not at the same time.
Many folks want to use all the exercises at the same time and when they fail to grow they don’t know what to eliminate.
When they grow, they can’t tell what exactly worked yet in the long run they can’t continue with all of them in their daily routine.
So, focus on one or two you will consistently employ. If you don’t get results as expected, then try other techniques.
If you get some results, then stick to the same strategy.
6. Don’t include more than 3 stretches in your routine.
Since there are dozens of stretches you can perform to increase torso height, of course in the beginning you will want to try each and every stretch you come across because you desperately need results.
But like earlier mentioned, I suggest you choose at least three that you will focus on consistently.
The rest can be done once in a while if you wish. Otherwise, sticking to the routine for long will be a problem.
7. Stick to the routine for long
The routine will be effective if you are desperate enough to give it 100% dedication.
Many folks over 5’6” may not gain that much in height merely because they lack the zeal to stick to the routine for long.
But if you’re desperate due to the discomfort you experience on a daily basis assignable to your height, you will keep going no matter what especially after you gain something.
8. Remember that height gained in torso is transient
You need to know that height gained after puberty through stretching the torso is never permanent unless either the spinal discs are re hydrated and thickened or enough growth hormone is released in the body to facilitate cartilage, muscle and or bone growth including backbones to support your height gain.
So, when you lose some of the height gains in torso, don’t lose your head. That’s expected and normal.
There are a number of strategies you can adopt to stabilize and maintain torso height and those were also discussed in the PDF.
So, there’s a solution to the transient torso height gains.
9. The body needs more recovery than intensity.
Don’t bombard your body with exercises especially anaerobic exercises day in and out hoping for quick results.
You have to give your body ample time to rest and recover.
10. Use the right equipment.
Finally, using the right equipment is more important than the technique itself.
Take the example of cycling. Choosing the right bike is the first step to take.
. I gave examples of the right bikes to use on The leg lengthening with cycling page » » and when it comes to torso lengthening, if you don’t have a hanging rod or back arcing device, getting the desired results may be a challenge.
Below I briefly share insights into what an effective grow taller exercise routine entails
I will recap the exercise routine below because due to lack of space the routine can not be extensively covered here but the recap will give a rough idea.
1. If you Are Targeting Backbone Lengthening as a starter
» »» The height increase you gain after puberty with the aid of stretching exercises alone is never permanent until either the back bones grow or spinal discs thicken to support it.
That’s why, depending on your daily activity schedule, you need to get a perfect time when you stretch to grow taller and slot in other exercises that you may need to grow taller after puberty on a daily basis until you reach a point when you feel that height gained is somewhat stable.
»»» You will also need to ensure that enough growth hormone is circulating in your system during the exercise routine.
How to achieve this is covered on the how to increase human growth hormones page.
»»» Remember to include the core exercises (preferably immediately after stretching ) in your work out to strengthen the abdominal muscles so that your back bone can overcome gravitational pressure which will bring you closer to permanent height in torso.
Weak abdominal muscles offer little or no support to your spine especially during times when you carry heavy objects over your back or shoulders.
Weak abdominal muscles will also compress easily after stretching thus losing a few millimeters and undoing all your stretching efforts.
Abdominal muscles play the vital role of keeping the spine in position and help to withstand any forces that may lead to spinal compression like gravity thus keeping the spine in an erect position and making you appear taller.
»»» If you avoid all the mistakes, after 1 to 3 months you should be noticing a slight difference in your torso height.
2. If you Are Targeting Shin Bone Lengthening as a starter
»»» With shin bone lengthening, you need to know that naturally, bone won’t easily grow longer without enough concentration of growth hormones in the body.
Sprints will be enough to trigger G.H release in the beginning but chaos training has to be introduced later.
»»» If you are targeting growth in the shin bones, all your efforts should be centered on doing whatever it takes to stimulate the pituitary gland to release enough growth hormones for your body to grow because with out enough growth hormones, your chances of growing after puberty are slim.
I relied on H.I.I.T or chaos training to achieve this because its one of the most efficient ways to boost G.H release especially after puberty. I explained why in the book.
You will also have to be patient if your intention is to lengthen the legs.
Many folks desperately expect quick results when they target growth in this part of the body and when they don’t get the results as soon as expected, they give up prematurely thinking it won’t happen.
3. You can perform the stretching exercises for torso and leg lengthening exercises at the same time.
If your wish is to grow both in legs and torso, you can lengthen the torso with stretching exercises, lengthen the legs with leg lengthening exercises and do chaos training exercises at the same time.
Some exercises can be done in the morning, while others in the evening.
4. Begin with sprints before introducing chaos training exercises.
Most importantly, don’t expect your body to initiate another growth spurt long after puberty without conditioning or readying it and this is where many get it wrong.
Whether you intend to grow in legs only, or only the torso, begin with sprints as a trigger for G.H release before introducing chaos training exercises.
5. Focus on at least one or two techniques to increase leg/ shin bone length.
The different ways to increase leg length are discussed on the Leg Lengthening Exercises page and all of them do work but not at the same time.
Many folks want to use all the exercises at the same time and when they fail to grow they don’t know what to eliminate.
When they grow, they can’t tell what exactly worked yet in the long run they can’t continue with all of them in their daily routine.
So, focus on one or two you will consistently employ. If you don’t get results as expected, then try other techniques.
If you get some results, then stick to the same strategy.
6. Don’t include more than 3 stretches in your routine.
Since there are dozens of stretches you can perform to increase torso height, of course in the beginning you will want to try each and every stretch you come across because you desperately need results.
But like earlier mentioned, I suggest you choose at least three that you will focus on consistently.
The rest can be done once in a while if you wish. Otherwise, sticking to the routine for long will be a problem.
7. Stick to the routine for long
The routine will be effective if you are desperate enough to give it 100% dedication.
Many folks over 5’6” may not gain that much in height merely because they lack the zeal to stick to the routine for long.
But if you’re desperate due to the discomfort you experience on a daily basis assignable to your height, you will keep going no matter what especially after you gain something.
8. Remember that height gained in torso is transient
You need to know that height gained after puberty through stretching the torso is never permanent unless either the spinal discs are re hydrated and thickened or enough growth hormone is released in the body to facilitate cartilage, muscle and or bone growth including backbones to support your height gain.
So, when you lose some of the height gains in torso, don’t lose your head. That’s expected and normal.
There are a number of strategies you can adopt to stabilize and maintain torso height and those were also discussed in the PDF.
So, there’s a solution to the transient torso height gains.
9. The body needs more recovery than intensity.
Don’t bombard your body with exercises especially anaerobic exercises day in and out hoping for quick results.
You have to give your body ample time to rest and recover.
10. Use the right equipment.
Finally, using the right equipment is more important than the technique itself.
Take the example of cycling. Choosing the right bike is the first step to take.
. I gave examples of the right bikes to use on The leg lengthening with cycling page » » and when it comes to torso lengthening, if you don’t have a hanging rod or back arcing device, getting the desired results may be a challenge.
The Ideal exercise routine to follow is comprehensively covered in The Grow taller After Puberty Exercise Routine Handbook.
As a short guy who was psychologically distressed almost everyday due to the challenges he faced in life accountable to his height, Dennis Raney (Bsc.) finally somehow found a way to overcome this adversity by naturally increasing his height with lifestyle and healthy changes.
He has been researching this topic for over a decade and practically applying the knowledge so he decided to share his wealth of information about the topic of increasing height both during and after puberty in the book and on this blog.
Feel free to connect with him for a conversation:
Email: Dennis »»
Facebook: connect »»