Note: These are just some of the common challenges faced by visitors of this blog who attempt to increase height in their 20’s and 30’s as well as their success stories.
Not all can be included here so, the selection is hinged on uniqueness to address as many challenges you may face and answer as many questions you may have as possible.
The messages are pasted as received but if you wish to get in touch with any of the senders, their names are included.
Their email addresses are disguised because each and everyone’s privacy is highly valued on this website.
If you wish to get in touch with any one, just inbox me I will have to seek their consent.
You will chat live with any member in the community who managed to successfully increase their height after puberty.

Q 1.
3 months into the program and my feet have grown and hands and my arms have gotten really long, did you experience these before a big height spurt?
A :
I never noticed growth in hands immediately but my feet grew before my shin bones did.
Q 2.

I think I got about 1.2 cm so far… does that sound about right for 3 weeks of cycling?
And also x_x really toned legs.
I’m just under 5,10″ and this is the first program on the internet that is actually working for me.
From my experience there are so many scams and I am very grateful that you are making this information free for everyone.
~ Avinash.
That’s enough achievement to keep you going. Just stick to the routine.
Q 3.

Hi Dennis, I bought the Sunny and Health indoor bike that you recommended.
I\’ve been cycling for about an hour a day for just a week and have already gained 3/8 of an inch.
The problem is I can\’t adjust the height of the seat any longer and I don\’t think any adjustable seat post is made for this stationary bike.
I\’ve been looking around on Amazon and Ebay for anything that would fit this model and there is nothing.
Do you recommend that I buy the outdoor Road master and continue with that?
First continue with that until you stop noticing consistent results then consider the road master.
If you still face the challenge of finding a compatible stem, then you may need a welder to customize it for you accordingly.
Hey Denis, I just notice on your blog that you have a brand new growth routine book! I think its amazing and I know it will be successful.
Just letting you know that I think I have gained almost 2 inches. Your routines are awesome so I have to thank you a lot!

~kaila w
My pleasure
Q 5.
Hi, just wanted to ask again, I’m 1 and a half months into the program so far I have grown about 0.5 cm through torso height and have been following the routine religiously cycling especially (I set out 4 months as a starter).
I’m getting the sharp pains in my legs and arms and all throughout my body, in your experience how long did it take for you to grow after getting the pains?
(I have searched the blog and prgrm for an answer but couldn’t find) Thank you
I can’t be so exact about this because it took me a while to realize that such pain signaled slight growth.
Otherwise, after feeling the pain I noticed slight growth about 2 – 4 weeks later.
Q 6.
Hey men , Since 3 weeks now , I do everything you tell me to do : * I Sprints 3 Times a week for increasing only the torso and then I focus on legs .
I Avoid weight lifting for now . In 3 weeks I grow only By 0.3 cm . It is a good sign or not ?
Just stay positive and keep going.
You said you failed to grow even a millimeter with your routine before I suggested a few changes.
Q 7.
Hey Dennis ,
I have a friend who had encouraged a second Growth spurt after puberty using similar techniques as yours.
And he saw no results at all for about 3 or 4 months and suddenly he grew 3,5 inches taller in just 4 months ! And He still growing at a slower rates.
Is it something common not to see any results for a long Time and suddenly grow very rapidly according To your experience ?
~ Douin.
That’s why I encourage folks to stick to the routine for long.
Q 8.
just a question, is it really possible to grow 3 inches in ur legs or is it bullshit ?
That’s without injections and so on.
~ Enzo Lombardi.
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve and there are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.
So, whether its bullshit or not is a function of your state of mind.
There’s an article under related posts that discusses how important it is to control your mind. You may need to read it.
Q 9.
Thanks for the information. I’m Rajib from India.
I’m 27 years old male and I’m only 5’2″ .
All my uncles are above 5’10” and even my brother is 5’8″.
I’m really very unhappy with my appearance. I’m following your routine since I read your article. It’s like 15 – 16 days now and I’m seeing results.
I’m very excited. I haven’t started chaotic training yet, I’m planning to doing it couple of months later.
I have one question to ask: Should I include “Fasting” along with short sprints and chaotic training to increase H.G.H?
If so, then how do I proceed? I mean like, in what time interval should I go for 24 hour fast?
Thanks in advance.
As long as H.I.I.T is part of your routine, fasting isn’t all that important other wise I should have included it in the routine
Q. 10.
Hi Dennis Sir I am Ari.
Height when started, 5 feet 6.25 inches age as of today 24.5+ Student, at home (Self study).
First of all, I am really grateful to you for bringing such a great hope in my life, believing it\’s all real, god blessed you.
Sir, I want to know the following in a week or 10 ten days of doing exercises like cobra, some yoga exercises meant for H.I, along with hanging with ankle weights of 3kgs on both legs, height has increased for more than a centimeter but sometimes I feel less than a centimeter.
Sometimes even more than that. Should I buy stadiometer to measure myself or is there any alternative to measure exactly. (How you used to measure your progress)
I noticed you have the PDF. Check Pg. 50 for a comprehensive explanation why this happens.
Hey Dennis Raney,
I would like to thank you for this website, this really helped me grow from 170cm(5ft 7) to 175cm(5ft 9).
I’ve been doing this for 4 months. I hope to get to 183 or 180cm anyways THANK YOU
~ Sonny
My pleasure.
Q 11.
Hey Raney!
The month mark is almost approaching for me and it seems I’ve gained about a half inch in height! It appears it is only in my torso, which is incredible.
The sprinting is going great as well.
Just curious about my shins, I’ve been cycling for 10 minutes every morning but haven’t seen results there yet. I haven’t raised the saddle since I haven’t seen growth yet.
But when I started it was very difficult for me to peddle at that height, now it is perfectly natural.
Should I keep raising the saddle when it gets natural to ride at that height or wait for the shin growth?
Thanks again!
~Rhiney. W
In fact, even when I reached the advanced stage of exercises, I never noticed any significant progress until about 4 months of consistent exercising elapsed.
According to research, that’s approximately the time it takes for bones to fully remodel and transform.
Q 12.
Hi Dennis,
I\’m about 2 months into your program and I have seen some growth in my legs.
I do feel some pain in my knees and shins from time to time throughout the day but never the same sensation in my backbones.
Is this normal or am I not doing something correctly for my torso routines.
~ Billy
It’s normal. If you are to feel any pain in your back, it won’t be from your back bones but most likely from interverbral disc joints.
Q 13.
Hi Dennis. I bought the book about three months ago.
one year ago I discovered that website and I began to practice the exercise bike.
I have gained 1 inch in my shin bones but I noticed that my shin bones stopped elongation.
I started chaos training and grow my feet but still I could not see the difference in my shinbones.
I don\’t know where I\’m doing wrong.
My bike seat height 4 cm more than the normal height. is that a problem ?
~ Emrah
If you said your feet have grown, then you just need to be patient.
My feet always grew before noticing a slight growth in my shin bones.
Q 14.
Hi Dennis , I am 5 5\” and 30 years old.
I have been doing stretching exercises for a month and I have gained almost 1 inch in my upper body.
Now, how much more can this be lengthened ?
What will be shape of backbone once straightened , I mean which part of backbone straightened ?
Your back bone will maintain the S curve. If you didn’t stretch your chest, then it’s the abdominal area that was straightened.
So, I find it a little hard to believe but I’ve seen a clear 6mm gain in a 1 week and a couple of days .
I must say this is a rather dramatic result .
I’m sure this gain is in the shins because I’m not doing any spinal routine whatsoever .
I basically night jog daily and immediately sit with the weights just as you advised. unlike before* when I used to…..
~ Austin
Hey Dennis, Hope you’re doing well.
I just wanted to let you know it seems like I’ve grown at least 1-3 centimeters or so, and I thought I was in denial about your program working.
Life got crazy for me and I ended up not exercising for a whole week, but I’m just now getting back on track.
Even though it may be a centimeter or so every few months, it’s still worth it, and I wanted to thank you. You’re right, rapidly increasing HGH levels really does work. So thanks!
~ Austin
Hey, Denis, I am 19 years old and have been following you leg lengthening routine for a year, including cycling and sprints, l also do swimming every week, at the start of this routine l was 1.67m tall , now l am standing at 1.74 m, How many inches will you think l can grow maximum if follow this routine continuously.
I don’t have tall genes, as my father is 5’8” , and grandfather 5’7”, although my cousins on uncle side are 5’10, 5’11”
~ Hashmi.
Q. 16.
Hello, I have a problem I want to address; the cycling method definitely works as I have gone from 5’6 5/16″ to 5’9″ barefoot.
However, I feel like only my shins got longer and now my body looks weird because my legs were long to begin with and now they look even longer.
Is there any exercise for lengthening arms and torso?
I want to try just extending my arms out in front of me and try to slowly stretch the bones without using my lats, do you think that will work?
~ Ivan Joseph
Not sure why you need longer arms because very few notice hand proportions.
You can do 100 baseball pitches every day.
It may help.
Q 17.
Thanks to your articles the information on your site, I’m planning to throw myself into a plan for getting taller.
I’m 33 from a long line of vertically challenged people on my Mother’s side, desperately want to add to my 5’6″.
I have a question though, which I’m hoping you may have an insight on.
If height is increased, does the rest of the body grow proportionally in your opinion?
I ask as my hands & feet are very small, which would look increasingly preposterous the taller I get!
Many thanks for your time any insight you may have.
I had the same concern when I started but if you increase Growth hormones in your body, every part of your body grows.
At 5’4″, I had small fingers, feet and short arms but after a year or so of doing these exercises, all of a sudden I realized my feet were growing, then my fingers and my arms too were lengthening.
Just don’t give up though you will get tempted to.
I shared more about what I experienced during my brief growth spurts in the exercise routine handbook.
Q 18.
Hey Dennis,
I was wondering if you were able to reach your desired height of 6 feet yet.
I have been training for close to a year and have jumped from 177cm to 182cm under your routine. I’m very grateful.
Much Love.
~ Lukas
I suppose I reached my genetically predetermined height.
Hi Dennis Reney,
I have a couple of questions.
Last year I bought your book through Amazon and I have two doubts.
The first is how much weight to use in the bolar chest exercise in chaos training, the second and last question is that I was doing a routine similar to Jeff went from 88 to 90 centimeters of the length of my legs in 4 months at 23 years old and now I had planned to implement the chaotic routine my question is how could I order my routine with chaos training ?
~ Eloy Eloy
The weights you use depend on your strength.
3- 10kgs is enough for most people..
After creating micro fractures, stop Jeff’s routine and begin chaos training.
Q 20.
Hello! Dennis, I’ve been working with “jogging with Ankle weight” routine for 2 months. Good results! Like 1 inch difference. But due to something, i can’t do it anymore. But is Doing High Knees with 5kg Ankle weight is good variation of micro-facture method to increase height in legs?
~ Vijay
Q 21.
Hi Dennis,
Hope you’re going well.
I have increased 2 cm in 1,5 months in my legs thanks to cycling method, thank you very much! I will keep going until I reach 7 cm in my legs.
But i cannot see result in my spine, even though i sprint 3 times, maybe I do not do correctly hit workout? I use 1,5-2 kg for 2 exercice noted in your book, and also 20 pushups. It takes me -15 minutes. Maybe I should increase weight to 3-4 kg? How much time did you devote for hit , also 15-20 min? I do it twice as stated on book. I just do not do any exercises during my periods.
Thank you very much,
All the best!
~ Жулдыз.
Please provide the details of your spine lengthening routine and what’s your occupation? Do you spend plenty of time seated?
Q 22.
I looked all through your site and everything sounds legitimate and I want to do it but my reluctance is in the lack of examples?
Is it possible you could post or send before and after pictures of yourself?
I don\’t mean to come off so skeptical I just want to be sure of what I\’m getting myself into before I go for it.
~ Mitchell.
That was the first thing that came to mind before starting this blog and to be honest, there was some hesitation but at the same time I was eager to share my experience so, I truly understand your skepticism.
Unfortunately, all this happened to me by surprise and I never anticipated that I would share some important information with you that required taking or showing photos of progress.
So, I never took any full photos during the course of these exercises for comparison.
If it’s examples that you need, there’s a gentleman called Greg Wu.
He read the book and after following the routines he gained 3 inches.
He’s now running his own blog, he shared his before and after pictures and on one of his articles, he recommends the book.
You can find that on his blog here » » ».
How much is the book and where can I buy this book ?
The exercise routine hand book is available in PDf, epub, mobi and paper back versions at online book stores like kobo books, ebay, barnes and noble, and smash words.

Download The 4th Edition of the Grow Taller After Puberty Exercise Routine Guide (PDF) here »»»


As a short guy who was psychologically distressed almost everyday due to the challenges he faced in life accountable to his height, Dennis Raney (Bsc.) finally somehow found a way to overcome this adversity by naturally increasing his height with lifestyle and healthy changes.
He has been researching this topic for over a decade and practically applying the knowledge so he decided to share his wealth of information about the topic of increasing height both during and after puberty in the book and on this blog.
Feel free to connect with him for a conversation:
Email: Dennis »»
Facebook: connect »»
NEXT : how to grow taller after puberty complete guide.