Craig BW, Brown R, and Ever hart J from US National Library of Medicine – National Institutes of Health observed that weight lifting or strength training workouts can trigger the secretion of testosterone and growth hormone at any age though, the younger you are, the greater the response.[ 1 ]
After a pilot study that aimed to ascertain whether high‐intensity interval training or exercises (HIIE/T) significantly increase growth hormone (GH) secretion compared to moderate‐intensity continuous exercise in young women, it was established that HIIE increases total GH pulsatile secretion. [2 ]
chaos training / exercising involves lifting weights, cycling, sprinting or performing other resistance exercises like moving up a hill or climbing the steps intermittently to the point that muscles are too exhausted to voluntarily move.
Growth hormone contributes to height increase in a number of ways.
1. GH stimulates longitudinal bone growth by stimulating the multiplication and differentiation of young prechondrocytes and osteoblasts (bone manufacturing cells) in the growth plate.
This is proceeded by a clonal expansion caused both by the GH-induced local production and increased circulating levels of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) .
Remember, the back bones are interjected by spinal discs made of cartilage which degenerates over time and partly the reason why after age 40, up to 40% of humans start becoming a couple of millimeters shorter.
3. G.H directly promotes the growth of body tissues including muscles and skeletal bones.
It directly promotes bone growth by stimulating young preadipocytes, whereas IGF-I stimulates cells at a later stage of development.
4. It triggers the release of Insulin Like Growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in the liver which also directly and indirectly promotes longitudinal bone growth and tissue development.
It increases the local production of IGF-I by stimulating transcription of the IGF-I gene.
IGF-1 stimulates growth plate cells at a later stage of maturation.
A number of studies have demonstrated that administration of recombinant IGF-1 throughout the body system stimulates longitudinal bone growth as well as body weight gain in rats with removed pituitary glands.
5. G.H plays a role during the process of bone remodeling and growth until peak bone mass is achieved around age 30.
Bone remodeling occurs after a delicate balance between bone resorption (removal of old none) and formation of new bone .
Increased skeletal bone mass after G.H treatment due to bone formation was first noticed among adult mongrel dogs.
There was a 2% increase in bone mass after approximately 90 days of G.H treatment.
A study recently conducted on old female monkeys, demonstrated that (100μ g/kg/day) of GH administered for 7 weeks increased bone formation rates.
The significant effect was noticed in both the femur and tibia bones but not in the back bones.
Monkeys are primates and the bone metabolism in such animals is very similar to that of humans.
Hence, including chaos training in your grow taller exercise routine is absolutely critical.
How Intermittent training should be done
Exercising intermittently in this case means short intense bursts of exercising followed by exercising slowly or even complete rest.
For instance, pedaling or cycling very fast for a minute then cycling slowly or completely resting for a minute before cycling very fast again.
In other words, exercises are performed at irregular intervals.
This form of training is closely linked to increased production of growth hormones as well as testosterone in the body.
The major aspects of H.I.I.T are that exercises should be brief, sporadic, and intense performed with a high degree of determination.
However, the second intense workout triggers less H.G.H response compared to the first, the third less than the second, etc.
How Intermittent Exercising Increases human Growth hormone release
To release maximum H.G.H through intermittent exercising or chaos training, your aim should be to reach the Lactate threshold.
Lactate Threshold
The lactate threshold refers to the intensity of exercise at which there is a spontaneous increase in blood lactate levels. [3]
When muscle tissue contract intensely for a long period, the blood circulation system starts to lose ground in circulation of fresh air (necessary for energy release).
In these circumstances, the breakdown of sugar is changed to lactic acid.
As the lactate is created in the muscle tissue, it oozes out into the blood stream and is distributed around our bodies.
If this situation continues, our body performance reduces and the muscle tissue wears out very quickly.
This point is often calculated as the lactate limit.
The point when muscle is fatigued to the point of almost failing to move voluntarily.
If you’ve seen athletes collapsing on or before the finish line, lactic acid build up in muscles is partly the reason.
However, if you get used to chaos training, the training system will soak the muscles in lactic acid, which will train the body’s loading procedure to deal with lactic acid more efficiently.
This, raises the anaerobic (lactate) threshold and with time, it will take you longer to reach the lactate threshold.
Lactic acid is not responsible for the burn in the muscles as you intensely work out, but the hydrogen ions released as the lactic acid leaks out.
An increase in blood lactic acid levels is a major trigger of growth hormone (H.G.H) release.
Vigorous exercising above lactate limit and for not less than 10 minutes seems to elicit the greatest stimulus to the secretion of H.G.H.
The best time to do these exercises is late evenings moments before bed for the following reasons;
sleep researchers have predicted that sleep duration, total sleep time, and slow wave sleep would be higher in physically fit individuals than those who are unfit and higher on nights following exercise.
2. If you are the type who goes to bed and struggle to get sleep, on the days you perform these exercises, sleep will not be a problem.
In fact, usually when you exercise, you fall asleep faster, have deeper sleep, wake up less often, and feel less tired during the day.
This is because research shows that activities that exhaust the body during the day like too much work or exercise necessitate the body to rest or sleep in order to recuperate and restore all the lost energy.
3. Your body recovers more efficiently when sleeping than when you are awake.
4. Combine the need to recover your muscles and REM sleep, both factors make evening the best time for chaos training.
More reasons to do chaotic exercises
1. Burning fat
A study carried out at Physical Education College, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, China to investigate the comparable effects of High-Intensity Interval Training and Prolonged Continuous Exercise Training on abdominal Visceral Fat reduction in obese young women concluded that H.I.I.T seems to be the principle approach when it comes to keeping obesity in check due to efficient time utilization.
Instead of spending minutes jogging or performing other exercises, you can intermittently exercise at high intensity for a few minutes and still burn even more fat.
According to exercise physiologist and athletic trainer Scott Weiss, H.I.I.T burns more calories both during and after a workout than continuous aerobic training.
“The bursts of increased intensity simply increase the caloric expenditure; Thus, more total calories are burned, aiding in better body composition.”
2. Increase stamina
Short intervals of high-intensity exercise can sharply improve endurance and may even be more effective than running a marathon, according to researchers at Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
Just sixty seconds of H.I.I.T during an otherwise not-so-hard workout can boost your stamina or endurance.
Indeed, a study that involved a group of people with type-2 diabetes had subjects either continuously walk (moderate intensity) or interval walk (at low and high intensities) for an hour five times a week for four months.
VO2 max increased in the interval-walking group but there were no changes seen in the continuous-walking group.
VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use in a set amount of time, and it’s a function of the number of red blood cells you have, how adapted you are to endurance activities, and how much blood your heart can pump.
In other words, your VO2 max is a measure of how fit you are.
Body mass and fat mass decreased in the interval-walking group only, and they also had better glycemic control.
3. No boredom
HIIT is more enjoyable than low-intensity, steady-state exercise and this is supported by a study that aimed to examine the affective response to high-intensity intervals in comparison to continuous moderate- and continuous vigorous-intensity exercise in the exercise intensity-affect continuum.
An exercise physiologist Tom Holland also suggests that beyond getting a kick out of your workout, you’ll also be more likely to stick to a workout you love.
4. Good for your heart health
Of late, cardiologists are extending the limits of what they thought cardiac patients could do, opting for high-intensity interval training over more moderate exercise.
All exercises can benefit your heart, but chaos training is particularly more efficient because it places your heart in the maximum heart rate zone for short intervals.
Secondly, since chaos training is done in intervals, your heart muscles are challenged to work more effectively.
Between high intensity intervals, you rest a couple of minutes then your heart rate reduces into the lower heart rate zone, which allows for you to recover momentarily before returning to high intensity intervals.
Continuously doing this trains your cardiac muscles to pump blood as efficiently as possible.
Further reading about chaos training, like how I effectively exercised with chaos training, which set of chaos training exercises to use , how much time to spend on them, and how often you should do the exercises for optimal G.H release or to get the desired results can be done in..
The 4th Edition of the Grow Taller After Puberty Exercise Routine Guide »»»

As a short guy who was psychologically distressed almost everyday due to the challenges he faced in life accountable to his height, Dennis Raney (Bsc.) finally somehow found a way to overcome this adversity by naturally increasing his height with lifestyle and healthy changes.
He has been researching this topic for over a decade and practically applying the knowledge so he decided to share his wealth of information about the topic of increasing height both during and after puberty in the book and on this blog.
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