Aha! the human brain.
So powerful is this organ that I feel humbled when writing about or discussing it.
As matter of fact, you can’t afford to ignore it as you endeavor to achieve your desired goal in whatever discipline.
In the brain, resides the mind which encompasses our thoughts, intellect, memories, experiences, emotion, perception and imagination.
Take a closer look at all the above aspects of the human mind.
All of them are necessary to achieve our goals or to be successful at any undertaking.
If fact, you may not realize but all of them may be used in tandem to achieve any goal.
Your memories, experiences or emotions can trigger a thought in form of an Inspiration or hunch which may arouse your imagination and act as a gateway to new possibilities before acting towards achieving a certain goal.
So, I hope you understand why you can’t afford to neglect your mind if you need to achieve any goal.
I started the article by acknowledging that I can’t discuss this organ called the human brain without feeling humbled but I never explained why.
The reason is simple. It’s full potential is infinite.
Not only because the brain contains billions of interconnected neurons, but it also acts as a conduit for access to infinite intelligence.
What is infinite intelligence ? You may ask..
Some may call it God, but according to Napoleon Hill, “Infinite Intelligence is the force that gives order and origin to everything in the entire universe.
It is the prime source, the first cause of everything that comes into existence.”
Simply stated, it’s the source of the so called inspirations or hunches.
The artists, musicians, writers, inventors, name it know infinite intelligence better because they rely on it to produce all the magic we appreciate in their works and products.
There’s a limit to what we believe or think is possible or not.
With the aid of infinite intelligence, there’s simply no limit.
Everything seems possible if the mind is put to task.
How do you access infinite intelligence ?
There are plenty of different ways different individuals access infinite intelligence and what may work for one individual may not work for the other.
I will briefly share the moments when I tend to reach that aha moment ! when I’m stuck with a challenge ;
1. When the brain is producing alpha waves.
When is that time?
– In the morning when I’m awake but still in bed.
– When I’m not actively thinking about the solution to the problem.
That is; when I’m working on some relatively easy set of tasks rather than focusing heavily.
Say during the day when I’m casually playing a game of chess.
I guess that’s why many say they receive hunches when taking a bath.
– At night when I’m in bed, moments before falling asleep.
– During meditation.
During these moments, the solution seems to jump out from nowhere, and I experience the classic “aha” phenomenon.
I suddenly see what I couldn’t see before.
It seems magical and in most cases, solutions from infinite intelligence or inspirations are just the perfect solution.
2. When I emotionally use Positive self suggestion.
This sometimes works for me but not always.
When I’m in a strange predicament, and I desperately need immediate answers, I resort to one or two positive affirmations and sometimes hunches flash my mind within minutes.
I elaborated a little more on how I used this to come up with the grow taller exercise routine in the book.
But I presume for it to work perfectly, you need plenty of focus.
Your emotions, timing and state of mind have to be perfectly aligned.
I’m certain that that’s the reason why it doesn’t always work.
Before we proceed, bear in mind that the famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud divided the mind into two operating sections;
The conscious and subconscious.
Using an iceberg as an example to separate the two departments, the visible portion above water being the conscious section and the part below water being the subconscious.
The different roles played by the two sections of the brain are discussed further below
The Conscious Section
In brief , the conscious section is the one we consciously use to think freely and create new ideas.
Many sources suggest it accounts for 10% of the entire mind power.
The Sub conscious Section
This is a wider section of the mind that’s why in the iceberg illustration above, the subconscious section is represented by the larger yet submerged section of the iceberg.
It operates involuntarily and it’s where memories, life experiences and instincts that automatically influence our day to day behavior are stored.
It is the subconscious section of the mind that we will dwell on here why?
You simply can’t achieve anything in life without taking charge of your subconscious mind or mind in general.
You have to monitor your thoughts, self talk, negative thinking, etc.
All this happens at a subconscious level of the mind.
At first, taking charge of your mind may seem an impossible task to accomplish but with time, if you make it a habit, taking charge of your mind becomes automatic.
Naturally, we are negative about everything even when we need to be optimistic.
We look at the glass half empty instead of looking at it half full.
Negative self -talk and it’s perils.
Self talk is your internal monologue.
The muffled words we silently speak to ourselves as we mull over something.
Almost every adult indulges in self talk be it positive neutral or negative.
It happens almost all the time be it as we take walks or seated in front of our T.V sets.
Positive self talk is absolutely very instrumental while negative self talk is destructive.
Self-talk is a reflection your subconscious thoughts, beliefs, feelings about yourself and your perspective of the world in general.
You may not realize but what we normally talk to ourselves emanates from the subconscious mind and it’s a reflection of our strong beliefs or ideas.
These may only seem muffled words but don’t be surprised if those very muffled words become reality.
What we think normally becomes reality.
No wonder most self help gurus tell you that you are a reflection of your thoughts and you are where you are because of your way of thinking
For instance; consciously you may say you want to earn say $100k a year but at the moment you earn less than 20k a year either just enough or not even enough to cover all your expenses.
So, you are barely keeping your nose above the water.
Deep down or at a subconscious level you know earing 100k a year is farfetched.
25k a year is more plausible, realistic and still a good target.
So, your self talk goes like.. “I wish I can at least make 25k a year”.
What do you think will become the reality?
100k or 25k?
What we say to ourselves is what we believe.
It’s what our mind strongly picks up and works towards achieving because it’s said with the emotion of faith and belief.
The words you say without faith are just that…empty wishes.
100k is your desirable target but in your mind you are wiling to settle for 25k to at least settle all your bills and save something.
The lack of faith in our abilities or potential, the doubts, the lack of enthusiasm etc all happens at a subconscious level first before manifesting in reality.
You want to increase height but deep down you don’t believe it’s possible.
What do you think will be the outcome?
Will you even bother to take any action?
Remember; There are no limits to what we can achieve except those acknowledged by our minds.
In simple terms, change your beliefs, and change your outcomes.
Again, this doesn’t happen as easy as stealing candy from a baby, but with the right attitude and mindset, it’s feasible.
We naturally tend to find it a lot easier to have negative self talk than positive self talk which affects our mood, increases stress levels and keeps us pessimistic about everything.
Instead of being open minded and pushing for a positive outcome, we give up so easily.
psychologists call this negativity bias.
What is the Negativity Bias?
It is the notion that things of a more negative nature like unpleasant thoughts, emotions, or social interactions have a greater effect on one’s psychological state and processes than neutral or positive events. [1]
When you are making progress towards achieving your goal and something negative happens along the way be it in form of negative information, obstacle or challenge, many will simply be distracted and either give up or simply lose focus unless you are gutsy.
In other words, something very positive will generally have less of an impact on a person’s behavior, wellbeing and cognition than something equally emotional but negative.
That’s why taking charge of your mind is extremely critical.
How to take charge of your mind.
Your mind can be compared to a fertile land, which if you choose to abandon grows weeds and becomes bushy but if you choose to make it productive by planting seeds in it, the seeds will germinate into fruit bearing plants.
It doesn’t care what you do with it.
The weeds are the negative thoughts associated with fear, doubts, vengeance, hatred, pessimism and a like.
The negative way we generally perceive the world.
like earlier mentioned, naturally the mind is full of these negative thoughts.
It takes a conscious effort to weed them out.
The seeds are the positive thoughts associated with desired goals, faith, hope, enthusiasm and optimism, love and kindness.
You have to make it a habit to guard your mind against thoughts of doubt, pessimism and fear. How?
By not reading negative information and news or avoiding negative people at all costs.
I know this is easier said than done and every once in a while I still find myself wallowing in negativity but it’s possible to break this habit.
Negative thinking almost always breeds negative outcomes while positive thinking has the opposite effect.
No wonder, I insist that taking charge of your mind should be the first and most important step to take if you wish to grow after puberty.
“Without doubt, the most common weakness of all human beings is the habit of leaving their minds open to the negative influence of other people.”
– Napoleon hill
Sovale had this to say…..
Hi Dennis!
congratulations on your height increase. its truly awesome and inspirational.
i wanted to ask you if you tried using law of attraction or hypnosis for height increase. i read the testimonial of angel on your website and it was jaw dropping. did you try the mental methods and see any changes?
One more thing, this site was started quite some time ago so have you increased some more? which exercises did you find were the most beneficial and efficient?
I am 18 years old and i just grew 1 inch in one month, all with the power of my mind. My doctor had told me that i was done growing and that no further growth would take place. He told me that my growth plates had fused. That was 2 months ago. I remember that i came home and cried that day. But i decided that no matter what, i wasn\’t going to stay short. And in one month, i have grown from 165 cm to 169 cm. And i am certain that i am going to grow taller and taller until i reach my dream height, 189 cm.
As a short guy who was psychologically distressed almost everyday due to the challenges he faced in life accountable to his height, Dennis Raney (Bsc.) finally somehow found a way to overcome this adversity by naturally increasing his height with lifestyle and healthy changes.
He has been researching this topic for over a decade and practically applying the knowledge so he decided to share his wealth of information about the topic of increasing height both during and after puberty in the book and on this blog.
Feel free to connect with him for a conversation:
Email: Dennis »»
Facebook: Connect »»
NEXT : how to grow taller after puberty complete guide.